A downloadable game

The Winterwold Spellcraft book takes the O'RLY GUIDE to Basic Spellcraft for Fantasy Settings and adds details related to rarity and "uncanniness" for each spell, in the interest of reinforcing the tone and details of the setting presented in the Winterwold Player's Handbook.

Due to the nature of the source material, Winterwold Spellcraft is Open Game Licensed (OGL). This is in contrast to the Creative Commons license used in the Winterwold Player's Handbook.

The edition available as of 6/20/2024 is relatively rough, unplaytested, and unproofread.

This project uses the Human made icon pack by HINOKODO.


Winterwold-Spellcraft-2024-06-20.pdf 2.6 MB
Winterwold-Spellcraft-2024-06-20.docx 3.2 MB

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