A downloadable game

[CORRECTION: If you downloaded this game before about 12:38am EDT on 6/21/2024, you may have gotten the spellbook files instead due to my error.]

Winterwold builds on the bones of the Ancient Red Wyrm system and attempts to stretch the setting and mechanics in a direction where elements of a traditional fantasy setting are still present, but shunned as strange and dangerous.

The Winterwold Spellcraft book is intended for use with this project.  GMs and players should feel free to substitute any list of spells from their preferred OSR/NSR fantasy adventure roleplaying systems. However, spells which are particularly grand or effective tend to be rare, and spells which are less subtle than a parlor trick tend to be viewed as "uncanny".

The edition available as of 6/20/2024 is relatively rough, unplaytested, and unproofread.

This game is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

This project uses the Human made icon pack by HINOKODO.


Winterwold-PHB-2024-06-22.pdf 15 MB
Winterwold-PHB-2024-06-22.docx 39 MB

Development log

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